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March 31, 2015


What is happiness? For the past few years I have struggled greatly with trying to define this word. Actually the word happiness gives me anxiety. We all long to be in a state of happiness but yet to reach that utopian mind set, we all travel a different path to end up at the same destination. Some would say if they were rich they would be happy, others would say if they found love they would be happy but yet the end goal is to still attain this mind set of being happy. So is money what is making you happy, or is it the happiness that is making you money? Which one comes first

I believe that in order to understand true happiness you must face her counterpart known as sadness. We always welcome happiness into our lives without any hesitation but we put up a fight when sadness creeps into our life. I believe that we should celebrate sadness because sadness teaches us empathy and life lessons. When we live and breath sadness we are able to look through a different lens. Moreover, that is not to say we should allow sadness to control our lives and mindset because it then would become a destructive journey.

With social media on the rise, we only see "happy" moments that are captured via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We now have created this illusion that people in our virtual world constantly live in happiness; and on the flip side we support these illusions by liking or commenting with positive affirmation. We get blinded by what's actually reality. In actuality we all have felt happiness and sadness in our lives but only favor the discourse that is in the happiness family.

Can we define happiness? Is happiness a choice? And is happiness the end goal or the starting point? Over the years I've realized when I am the most happy is when I know there is unconditional love and acceptance among my family and close friends. Happiness is love and love is happiness.

What is happiness to you and how would you define it?

Thank you for reading my blog xo.

Afflatus Hijab


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