• How To Protect Your Facebook Account


    How To Protect Your Facebook Account

    Hey Everyone!  I haven't been on here in a very long time. Many of you know by now that the Afflatus Hijab Facebook account as well as my personal account got hacked. I lost everything and had to start from scratch. There is nothing more violating than someone going through...

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  • New Years Eve!


    Hey Everyone!  Lets get something straight here: NEW YEAR NEW ME haha, I have to stop saying that but I probably won't. If you know anything about me you would know that New Years Eve is my favourite day. All my family gets together, which means two things: food is...

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  • My flight neighbor, who happened to be Jewish.


    My flight neighbor, who happened to be Jewish.

    Every time I walk through the aisle of an airplane I feel nervous, not sure exactly why, but as soon as I find my seat I smile and exhale, as though I've found my little home, a safe place to call my own. Last week was not any different on...

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  • Palestinian Refugee Camp


    Palestinian Refugee Camp

    This blog should've been written about a month ago. Before I left Edmonton, my friend had got me in contact with her cousin who worked at the refugee camp at the Jordan. We had been in Jordan enjoying our time for about six days and on the seventh day we...

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  • Second Chances


    Second Chances

    This is the most personal blog post I will write. Ever since 2015 has started it has been an odd year. Local and international news seemed to continuously escalate on such a hateful level. I just remember talking to co workers and friends about how odd 2015 has been. It...

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    As the world mourns the senseless deaths that have taken place around the world, I thought I would brighten everyone's mood up a little bit. As an Arab kid growing up, I went to an elementary, which was predominately Caucasian kids. There was about 6 Arab kids in the whole school. ...

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  • The Time That I Lost Half My Costume.


    The Time That I Lost Half My Costume.

    November 1, 2015 I am going to tell you the story about my last Halloween ever. I put the hijab on in grade 4 and back then there wasn't much that you could do as a hijabi on Halloween, in other words I wasn't using my creative juices. The only...

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  • How To Turn Someone Off With A Cat.


    How To Turn Someone Off With A Cat.

     September 13, 2015 I'll continue to share some of my personal but yet embarrassing moments with you guys because I honestly think they are hilarious (maybe I am the only one that finds them funny). If you don't find them funny, just pretend to laugh. Let me take you back...

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