Asale Kasim Abu Hasna Skirt

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$ 80.00 CAD $ 40.00 CAD

This skirt is named after Asale Kasim Abu Hasna. Asale is a Palestinian artist and optician intern who faces a threat of deportation. She is being coined along side Elkurd and Afifi as the "Palestinian Women Lead Resistance Against Israeli Occupation." She explains that "we need everyone to stand against the occupation...not only Palestinian women, but all women have the strength and the power. And they can be instrumental in change with their presence and words." She explained that her grandmother and mother defended this place until their last breath and she will continue to do the same thing. She explained that this is a fight for existence. 

We love this skirt, it has more of a lime green undertone to it and makes it extremely comfortable with the elastic band waist.